Creating Online Exams Is Easy With The Right Test Maker
A test maker is simply software designed to allow you come up with quizzes if you are a teacher, trainer, recruiter, lecturer or even a marketer. The software allows you to be the assessor since you make the quizzes and the persons taking the quizzes to be the assessed. There are so many test makers in the market, and all of them are available online. Therefore, you have to be keen so that you pick the right test maker. If you choose the wrong one, prepare yourself for a terrible experience of your life. You do not need to be frustrated. Get the right test maker and creating online exams will become so much easier.
What features make a test maker the right one?
Does it meet your needs? Do not go for a test maker that is not relevant to your needs, however cheap it could be. Always remember cheap is expensive. For example, in whatever test you make, you need to calculate the performance of the people who take the test. This means that whatever software you decide to use should allow you do that. You may also want to rate the assessed. A test maker that enables the arrangement of the assessed in an ascending to descending order will save you a lot of trouble.
Accessibility of the software is another key factor that determines whether the software you have is the right one. Make sure it comes in both the PC and mobile versions. Today, smartphones are doing almost everything a desktop or laptop does. They are more portable than laptops or even tablets. This way, you will make your quizzes available to those taking them wherever they are so long as there is Internet connection. You will also be able to assess them whenever you want.
Quiz must be user-friendly
User friendliness of a test maker is something you cannot afford to ignore. People are put off by tests that are too complicated to try. Therefore, make sure you do not set your quizzes using a test maker that is hard for people to use or even understand how to navigate. Go for one that is simple. One that provides a manual for your quizzes is an added advantage. This way, you will have more people taking your quizzes. Who does not love increased traffic to his/her site on the Internet?
In addition, go for the software that provides for upgrades. Developers of software are usually open to new technology. Therefore, if you find a test maker that does not account for upgrades, avoid it. It simply means the developers are not keen enough because technology keeps advancing every other time. Having software that does not give room for improvements means you will have to buy other software incase the one you have becomes outdated. You do not want that.
Encryption for security
The security of your tests is very important. You do not want unauthorized people accessing your information and using it for their own benefit. Go for a test maker that uses SSL encrypted servers to protect information. Consider also having hard to crack passwords to prevent breeching of your information by malicious Internet users.