Web-Based Training For Workers, Online Training Systems
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A guide into developing web-based training for workers


Whether you want to train your staff on a new product, operate new equipment, or take a new hire through onboarding in your company, staff training can be costly and hard to organize and execute.

As always, change is hard and usually met with a lot of resistance. However, consistent learning and development is a common factor in any successful venture. In this regard, web-based training for workers has seen a tremendous rise in the recent past.

And you might be frustrated by the uncertainties and unknowns if you are genuinely considering a shift from in-person training to web-based training for workers in your company. This article will relieve all the worries you might have by providing a detailed guide for creating web-based training for your employees.

Let’s get started.

Understanding web-based learning.

Abbreviated as WBT, these are any form of training methods that are delivered through online platforms. Usually, terms like e-learning, distance education, and internet-based learning are used synonymously with web-based training.

Web-based training enables exceptional flexibility and convenience; anyone can access training programs or course contents at any time, regardless of their geographical location. Technically, this kind of learning takes place independently of space and time.

Owing to the independence of WBT, it is one of the top-rated employee training methods in terms of flexibility, convenience, and cost-effectiveness, especially in large international companies.

Characteristics of web-based training software.

On the contrary to most app developers, creating web-based learning for workers is not any other clone or a traditional form of software engineering. However, both of them entail analysis, design, and execution.

Fundamentally, developing web-based learning is far much different from conventional software development procedures in various ways. Below are some of the characteristics of online education you should know before you create one.

1.      Learning is not a conventional task and cannot be designed as if it is any other type of work that can be executed with traditional approaches having several inputs and outputs. This is so because training is a result of understanding and not a process that can be directly supported.  Therefore, developing web-based learning effectively comes from a clear understanding of the education system and not necessarily from an improved technology.

2.      Web-based learning is a way of implementing learning strategies and education that can be used across a wide range of educational standards like face-to-face, distant learning, and blended learning. First, WBT can be an online resource used in distance learning by anyone, anywhere. Second, it can be used as an extension of physical learning electronically. Lastly, it can also be applied as a supplement to face-to-face learning.

3.      The development of web-based training for workers is naturally a multi-disciplinary process. It combines specific factors, principles, and approaches to realize the objectives of education stakeholders. Therefore, creating one must need the attention and contribution of key education players and other experts from different sectors with unique skills like researchers, graphic experts, programmers, teachers, and learners as well.

4.      WBT systems are more user-focused than other traditional applications. As a matter of fact, this software is multi-user. Therefore, the development of online training systems must factor in aesthetic issues for the look and feel of an interactive user interface.

5.      Online-based learning systems are subject to frequent change from technological, organizational, pedagogical, legal, subject-specific, as well as ethical concerns. In an ever-changing environment, web-based training for workers needs to evolve progressively to ensure completeness, relevance, and correctness of the online content.

Additionally, the large numbers of trainees with varied needs and preference for learning enables the evolution of WBT a necessity.

Types of web-based trainings.

Web-based training is a comprehensive term including instructional approaches and environments. Basically, there are three main types of online learning approaches. They include;

a. Synchronous WBT.

This is an online learning system that is more or less similar to traditional face-to-face or in-person learning. It involves both real-time and instructor-led interactions. However, in this training method, while both teachers and learners are required to be online simultaneously, learning takes place virtually from different locations.

The following are aspects of synchronous web-based learning, online lectures, tutoring, webinars, peer meetings, and teleconferencing. Learning can be delivered to one or more students who may or may not be in the same location.

Standard features of synchronous web-based training include;

ü  Training is instructor-facilitated.

ü  Allows real-time online engagements between learners and instructors.

ü  Training happens differently from the instructor and sometimes the learners as well.

b.  Asynchronous WBT.

This is the standard method of learning in the online space as it offers significant flexibility and convenience. Since most contents are digital, students or workers can advance through their learning programs at their own convenience and speed.

Asynchronous learning does not feature a real-time element in their systems, which is available in various formats such as video tutorials, pre-recorded webinars, readings, screencasts, or a combination of them all.

The following are standard features of asynchronous learning you need to know.

ü  It offers convenient learning at a self-paced rate.

ü  Students or trainees learn independently of their places

ü  Content is completely digital, and there are no elements of real-time from the students and instructors.

c.   Blended web-based training.

This form of web-based training incorporates both features of synchronous and asynchronous training. For example, the first phase of a CPR lesson might have theoretical components such as physiology and care for unconscious patients, while the final section incorporates hands-on demonstration of the learned skills.

In such instances, you can learn the theories asynchronously and go through the practical lessons synchronously using blende learning,

ü  Some training needs real-time tutor support, while some are self-paced.

ü  It incorporates of both synchronous and asynchronous learning features.

ü  Often learners train independently from different places.

Major benefits of using web-based learning.

The rising numbers of institutions and organizations embracing online learning and training methods can be accredited to several benefits of the trend.

Most of these institutions have realized that they cannot run their training and learning campaigns without implementing these digital learning methods. Here are some benefits you’ll reap from them.

·     It fosters higher learning potentials.

Because people possess varied learning styles based on how they digest knowledge well, some learn through reading and cramming, while others are comfortable with visual media like infographics and videos.

This trainee-centered approach of web-based learning enhances interactions, and learners find themselves drawn in. For instance, with asynchronous WBT, employees can get enough time to think and reflect on the lessons covered later after the session.

Based on the general rule of learning psychology, adults respond better to learning when they are in control of the training.

·     Provides flexible training schedules.

One of the most important benefits WBT will offer is flexibility. Regardless of where they are, your trainees or employees have the advantage of learning at their desired speed.

This allows them to create a pattern of training that fits into their daily schedules and maximizes their learning abilities by choosing their training environments.

Whether they will need a 4-hour long session once a week orbits of one hour four times a week, web-based learning allows them to make decisions befitting their work shifts.

·     Applicable across all sectors.

Regardless of your discipline, industry, or field, you operate in; every business environment presents a lot to be learned.

Though other sectors like processing and construction still apply hands-on training, you can leverage simulations and branched scenarios to bridge this gap with appropriate online training software.

·    Cost effective.

Apart from reduced disrupting the employees' schedules, web-based training also removes the interference of your daily work processes. Gone are the days businesses would close down once every year for the annual seminars and training.

Therefore, it means that there are reduced expenses on employees' travel costs and other resources. Furthermore, web-based learning can be customized, repurposed, and updated for new onboarding and subsequent programs.

Practical applications for web-based training for workers.

As a business or company, there are a lot of things that can be improved with web-based learning or materials that you may like to be adapted to the web. In the following section, we will discuss various ideal web-based training applications for workers in an organization.

Let’s dive in.

1.  Onboarding new employees.

New hires have a lot of knowledge gaps that should be filled. These gaps are tedious and time-consuming and can take many hours you'd have used to run or oversee other significant operations in your firm.

Fortunately, with web-based learning, you can bring new employees up to speed using online training approaches, thus reducing the time and resources you would have invested in updating them about your organization's operations, products, policies, and principles.

2.  Product knowledge training.

When introducing a new product, equipment, or service in your organization, it is imperative to equip your workers with knowledge about the products and how to operate any new machinery.

With web-based training, you seamlessly and quickly update your employees on any new or upgraded products or services. With a robust online learning application, workers can train on any gadget from anywhere.

This convenience allows them to boost their closing ability and avoids lost revenues due to lack of training.

3.  Customer support skill and sales training.

Sales and marketing usually have hectic schedules involving a lot of traveling, which can hinder their training schedules on new innovations and updates in the organizations.

However, if your sales team is not meeting their objectives due to a lack of adequate training, web-based training comes in handy to get everyone back to the line. Owing to its convenience and flexibility, the sales team can choose time for catching up on new issues based on their schedules. They can access training materials on the go as long as they can access internet-enabled devices.

4.  Compliance training.

Online training systems allow you to keep your workers compliant with relevant government regulations or industry requirements without compromising regular organization operations.

With web-based learning, employees can renew their necessary licenses and work permits remotely. This has helped multinational companies keep in touch with their workers overseas, processing basic documentations in time without having them travel back to their native countries.

5.  Channel partners training.

As a producer or manufacturer, keeping your channel partners of new innovations and updates is as significant as keeping your worker updated on the same.

By implementing online training systems, you can train your channel partners and keep them updated on the new innovations, products, and business procedures. Also, the system provides them with the necessary tools and equipment to go through their operations flawlessly.

6.  Certifications.

Grading and certifications processes are tedious and time-consuming tasks that require automation similar to other operations. Luckily, LMSs allow you to achieve this.

You can set up the software to issue grade learners and automatically issue certificates after completing a set period or objective such as modules, assessments, or interactive scenarios.

Strategies of developing web-based training.

Stranded on how to create web-based training at your workplace? Follow the steps below to develop an online learning platform at your workplace.

1.  Set your learning objectives.

To get the direction and focus of your training campaign, you need to have clear goals. It would be best to define the challenges you are facing as a company and which ones can be solved with training. What are specific outcomes and objectives do you expect to achieve with the learning program?

After getting these answers, apply the SMART approach to set smart, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals.

2.   Know and understand your target audience.

By isolating and understanding your worker's needs, it will be easier to create a training program that perfectly fits their schedules and promotes their learning experience.

Take time to assess the gaps in your employees' technological savviness, current knowledge, and skill base, and how you'll fill these gaps with the training. The more you know your audience, the better you can create a learning program that supports each one's schedules and needs.

One thing you need to avoid is creating a training program that's too difficult, too easy, or irrelevant.

3.  Choose a relevant web-based training software.

To implement an online training platform, you need to have special software for the job. Basically, there are two important essentials-learning management systems and online course authoring tools.

 Web-based course authoring tools.

These are software tools used to create multi-media-rich online courses that you can share easily over the web. However, these tools are not designed equally. Some are so simple but very poor in quality and functionality. In contrast, others are great at creating quality and compelling content but complex and confusing.

As a newbie, the best tool you should choose as an authoring tool for training programs need to have a PowerPoint toolkit. This way, you'll not require training to navigate the software.

It will enable you to change PowerPoint presentations into an interactive online course or create courses with screencasts, dialogue simulations, quizzes, and other interactions from scratch.

   Learning management system.

An LMS is a software used to automate various components of your training programs and allow the distribution of the content through different devices to your employees. You can enroll employees, assign lessons to them, monitor and track their progress.

Despite these benefits, it can be challenging to choose the best LMS due to their market influx. Below are insights to guide you while selecting a good LMS software.

Basically, choosing a robust learning management system trickles down to functionality and features.  So, you need to ask yourself these questions,

·         Does the system support blended or synchronous learning?

·         Is the software mobile responsive to allow trainers to seamlessly access course content from multiple devices and platforms?

·         Can trainers access the platform offline?

·         Does the system has a 24/7 technical support system?

·         Is the software SCORM compliant?

If you find the software capable of fitting the descriptions above, you can move ahead and implement it.

4.    Build a strong and effective team.

After setting clear goals, profile the audience, and selecting the best web-based training software, you will need a team to help you with the development process. Major players as your learning and development (L&D) staff include:

ü  Stakeholders. These people envision and initiate the program and are therefore essential in every step of the process. They make major decisions regarding the operations and success of the project. Typically, these staffs hold authority positions such as training managers, quality assurance supervisors, or departmental heads.

ü  Project managers. This section of your team concentrates on the logistic concerns of the online training. They visualize the program from a systemic perspective and plan the system from the start to the end, dividing it into milestones, assigning and tracking the deliverables to relevant members. While they do not form part of the actual training development, they focus more on keeping the team running on low costs that maximize the profits and prevent a future collapse of the project.

ü  Curriculum experts. These specialists create and provide raw content to instructional developers. Due to their knowledge and skill base, instructional developers are in contact with them for clarifications on any technicalities related to the content.

ü  Instructional designers. Also referred to as IDs, they are experts of learning experiences, and therefore have a broader range of decision-making on how to deliver the course. Being hands-on with course design and adult learning strategies, they are important in setting the learning objectives, developing training materials, and course delivery.

ü  Software administrators. LMS administrators take over in the post-training development phase. At this stage, the training is completely developed and delivered to trainees, and the admins assign them to relevant employees. They are also tasked with adding new learners, monitor and track their progress and performance. Admins also are in close contact with technology specialists and project managers to attend to any technicalities whenever they arise.

5.  Create relevant content.

Creating the right content depends on whether you have older content from past training programs that you might need to repurpose or your instructional designers and SME should design it from scratch.

Regardless of what you have, creating relevant content involves isolating what's essential from what is superfluous or irrelevant.

The following section outlines the steps of creating high-quality online training courses.

ü  Collect and structure the content.

ü  Create a storyboard.

ü  Build an online course.

ü  Add assessments.

ü  Test for quality assurance.


Developing web-based training for workers can be a tedious and time-consuming process for a company or an organization, especially if it is your first time trying it. However, with the correct information, patience, and an effective team, the process can be done quickly and effortlessly.

The process starts by defining your training goals, profiling and understanding your employees, building an effective team, choosing a web-based training software, and creating the right content. Finally, you get a software administrator tasked with adding new users, delegating course materials, and tracking each one's progress.

Administrators also work closely with project managers and instructional designers to resolve any technical issues that may arise from the software, affecting the delivery of course contents effectively as designed.


Contributor: admin
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